After a day of sight seeing yesterday in Whangarei, Serenity toddle off to a DOC (NZ Department of Conservation) campsite on the beach at Otamure Bay. This is an unpowered site with long drop toilets (NZ for a government outhouse), a potable water source and cold showers. First, I’m going to say it isn’t as bad as it sounds. Every single bathroom I have been in NZ has been well maintained and cleaned regularly – even the outhouse ones, even the ones in public parks and other public venues. Plus they are pretty much everywhere. Second, I despise a cold shower. I don’t care what the temperature is. I don’t care how sweaty I am, I hate cold showers. I will do a not steaming hot shower if I’m hot and sweaty from yard work in the heat of summer. That is as close to a cold shower as I want to get. Third, “potable” water is not reassuring to me as a drinker of said water, especially when a sign nearby says to consider further treatment before using.However, it turned out much better than I expected, except that I did have to take a god awful cold shower and I whined the entire time (which did not make it one bit warmer or me one bit happier about it)!
The campsite reminded me of the scene from Harry Potter where everyone is camped out for the quidditch championship. There were tents, RVs, campervans and motor homes everywhere! It was like going back in time by decades. Kids were riding bikes, reading books, and literally playing with sticks. In the section where Serenity was parked, everyone knew each other. Our neighbor came over and introduced himself and told us that his family and about 8 other families in the spots around us, came the same 2-4 weeks every year and reserved the same spots. He said they were from different parts of NZ but their children grew up together every summer vacation and that just had an unspoken agreement to come back every year. Later that night, the families and their kids came together for a big jump roping contest. Some of the parents were chanting a jump roping song while some were counting; everyone was standing around together holding babies, visiting, and celebrating how every kid did. It was wonderful to see.
The campsite and its location were such a delight, we stayed for two days. Spending the days walking on the beach, watching the tidal pools, and collecting seashells. One evening I hiked to the next beach over, which was this beautiful almost private beach; there were maybe 6 other people on it. I am just in love with this place!