Category: 2024 AT Thru Hike

  • NZ Day 11 – Whangarei Sightseeing

    Slept beautifully for the first night of campervan life. Easy to do when there is power and you have a fan blowing a cool breeze over you all night. Happy to say the bed is comfortable – not 5 Star hotel comfortable or even my bed at home comfortable, but amazingly comfortable for camping. I…

  • Day 35 NoBo: Going Home

    I’m so sad to write this, but today I decided to go home. My knee is swollen and I had sharp shooting pains whenever I do a balancing wobble – which is constant when walking on the rocks. I have already rested for two days and then a short 5 mile slack pack. I think…

  • Day 34 NoBo: Knife’s Edge

    Today’s hike was a test to see if my knee would hold up or maybe just a test to see if I could stand the pain. I’m happy (sorta, I mean it hurts, but not so much that I’m ready to give up) to report both are true. I got a ride to a trail…

  • Day 33 NoBo: Ice Ice Baby

    So, I spent the day sitting at the hostel alternating between icing my knee and my ankle (for my Achilles tendon) and taking lots of anti-inflammatories. I also carefully rationed the number of times I went up and down the stairs. I played a fun fun game of how-much-can-I-drink-before-I-need-to-pee (the bathroom is downstairs). I can’t…

  • Day 32 NoBo: I’m Baaaack!

    So excited to say that I am back hiking! I got dropped off in the morning in Port Clinton. I had a 15 mile stretch to fill in and then I skip to the Lookout Hostel where I actually left the trail 3 weeks ago to head home. The weather was beautiful. It rained last…

  • Break Time

    ETA: my week has turned into 3 weeks. But no worries, I am returning to the trail! I’m taking a week off the trail. Not to worry! There is nothing wrong and I am not injured. This was always the plan. I’m seeing friends and family and will be starting back where I left off…

  • Day 31 NoBo: Slack Packing

    Started my morning with my favorite breakfast pancakes) and got to meet the owners of the hostel. Super nice couple, Yardsale (who thru hiked in 2017) and Just Glen (who started section hiking now that he is retired). They are super nice people who provide a great service to the hikers in the area. Hosting…

  • Day 30 NoBo: Swollen Joints

    So I woke up this morning to swollen ankles and knees. Pretty sure this is due to too many miles hiked yesterday and not an actual injury. So I treated my self to a lovely brunch sitting outside on a balcony overlooking the river. Pennsylvania has some incredibly beautiful spots to see when you aren’t…

  • Day 28 NoBo: Slow Motion

    Today was slow in every sense of the word. I got off to a slow start and I moved slowly all day. I got off to a slow start because it rained during the night so my fly (the covering for my hammock) was wet (I hate packing it wet – leads to mold and…

  • Day 29 NoBo: I Hate Rocks!!!

    I’m not going to even include a photo of the rocks! I hate them that much! Read this next part in Forest Gump’s voice: I hate rocks! All rocks! Pointy rocks. Little rocks. Big rocks. Flat rocks. Rocks that roll. Rocks that shift. Boulders. Pea gravel. You get the idea. Today was hard. Which is…