“Sucked into the vortex” is hiker slang for staying in town , at a hostel, or shelter for too long. Today I did just that. I talked for too long (I know y’all are all shocked by that) and ended up deciding to stay another night. I have several defenses (only needed to justify to myself, but I’m going to share anyway): 1) it was another yucky rainy day and I am so tired of being drenched to the skin and walking on wet rocks. Yes I know I’m just going to have to suck it up and deal with it, but not today; 2) I had already decided to have a slow start to the day because there was supposed to be less rain in the afternoon than the morning. Didn’t happen, it rained all day; 3) the general store didn’t open until 11am and I wanted one of their trail famous burgers. Did happen and I ate the entire thing while watching a guy eat a half gallon of ice cream in 45 minutes (something you do to celebrate walking half the AT); 4) a veteran asked me for help and of course I answered his questions gave him resource referrals and ended up answering questions for several other veterans. A large number of people I meet on the trail are veterans. I ended up showing a couple of them how to access the va.gov website; 5) a couple of other hikers who stayed over a second night actively campaigned for me to stay and talk. We all know I rarely pass up an opportunity to chat. Then it was just too late to walk the 7 miles to the next shelter and I didn’t want to camp in the rain. So I stayed nice and cozy in the hostel.
I ended up organizing an order from Uber Eats for about 15 people and spent the evening teaching people how to setup and use Venmo, Uber Eats, and Apple Pay 😂
Tomorrow the weather will be better and I will head out before everyone is awake so I don’t get sucked into the vortex again!
12 responses to “Day 14 NoBo: Sucked into the Vortex”
your making an impact on peoples lives like you always do! way to go!!! you are one impressive gal!!!
Thank you.
Every day your hike is more fascinating than the day before! There’s a wonderful memoir waiting for you to write, Honey Bee!
I don’t know about a book, but I’m so flattered you are reading along with my blog. The hike is getting better.
A memoir may be more work than the hike 😂
Of course you helped others… your true calling! Can’t wait to see you soon!
I can’t wait to see you and hear all about the wedding!
Thanks for sharing your daily adventures and stories! They are wonderful!
Thank you!
What an incredible adventure! I so appreciate your blog as it affords me the opportunity to virtually experience an experience I’ll never have. I’m rooting for you with deep respect as you traverse the rocks through rain and cold and find yourself enjoying the journey with pride for doing hard things. Looking forward to your next post.
You are too kind! It is definitely an adventure.