Day 21 NoBo: HYOH

Next section of my hike

Today I found out I am a purist, at least when it comes to hiking the AT. A purist is a hiker who thinks you have to hike every step/mile of the trail. Some believe you also have to hike it continuously. I am not so much of a purist that you have to do every single step (although so far the type A part of me has me going back to the same intersection/trailhead/exit point to get back on after every break). I also think it is within the rules to skip around and hike the sections in the order you need to make the hike work for you. Hence my own flip-flop hike. But for me, I really don’t want to miss any miles. I want the whole experience – including the hard ones that make me ask myself “what the hell were you thinking?!?” The saying on the trail is Hike Your Own Hike (HYOH).

Some of my hiking friends hiked about 12 miles ahead of me while I was sick and I was hoping to catch up to them. However they texted me this morning to let me know they had decided to skip ahead to Delaware. The rocks in Pennsylvania are just not what they want to do. I am sure the rocks are also not what I want to do (especially when I will actually be doing them). However, my FOMAM (newly coined term – fear of missing a mile) won’t let me skip ahead. I’m going to miss having my friends along to keep me company and to see familiar faces at the end of the day.

So today my friends stopped by to tell me goodbye and generously gave me a ride to REI on their way to Delaware. I didn’t want to spend the day cooped up in my hotel room. So I took the opportunity and enjoyed wandering around REI looking at all the latest hiking gear, comparing it to what I have and wondering if there is anything I need to switch out. I bought a couple of replacement carabiners for my water bladder (used to attach it to the outside of my pack). Found some bug spray that I think I am not allergic to (fingers crossed – really do not want an allergic reaction with blisters all over me in the wilderness) and bought some more biodegradable soap (for my next wilderness bathing experience). Now that I have 100+ miles under my belt, everything in REI looked different to me. I walked around thinking “waaay too heavy,” “pretty, but it will tear the first day,” “that is cool, maybe next time.”

I treated myself to lunch and walked to the nearest grocery store to get some food for the trail tomorrow. An apple to eat before I leave (too heavy to carry and they bruise too easily), some protein bars (easy breakfast or snack), some instant mashed potatoes (rarely if ever eat these in the real world, but easy to prepare with just boiling water and if you add precooked bacon, they are pretty tasty and high in protein). Then an Uber ride back to the hotel.

I spent the afternoon inspecting my gear. Making sure it’s clean and in good repair. Doing laundry one more time (doing laundry can be tricky when you only have one pair of pants 😂). Catching up with my parents and my girls. Generally prepping for a few days on the trail.

I have a relaxing evening planned and a reasonable start time in the morning. I’m nervous about starting tomorrow. I’m still congested. Still some tightness in my chest – not good when you are panting as you climb uphill with a 30 pound pack. However, I’m also eager to get started again. Even if I only make it two miles a day instead of a two miles hour, I’m eager to go.

Photo above is the topography of the section of the trail I’m hiking next. I’m most nervous about the climb. But my plan is to go slow and easy. Take as many breaks as I need to and just keeping plugging away. Wish me luck!

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