1st Day NoBo

Ed Garvey Shelter

I left from the Appalachian Trail Conservancy in Harpers Ferry this morning around 9am. I tried to sleep as late as possible and enjoying having a bed and a pillow. I was too excited and couldn’t wait to get going.

Walking through the town of Harper’s Ferry was a history lesson on the Civil War with battlefields and armories to see. Seeing where the Shenandoah and Potomac Rivers come together was impressive.

I spent the morning walking along the C&O Canal. It was a nice flat walk on a groomed trail. Some of the only flat trail I will see. It smelled gloriously of honeysuckle and wisteria. I saw a mama duck with 6 little babies. It was very peaceful with hikers and bikers passing me in both directions. The whole time I was thinking “I can do this; no problem.”

The afternoon was one long uphill hike. Beautiful, green and rocky! It might have been peaceful for other people but I was busy concentrating on breathing and not twisting my ankle on a rock! People passed me. Everyone passed me. I’m sure I was the slowest person on the trail today, but as they practically skipped by me I tried to remember how happy I am to be here. Panting in all of this fresh air. 😀

I’m spending the night at the Ed Garvey Shelter (photo above). I plan on sleeping in my hammock for most of the hike. Which is like a hanging tent, but it’s supposed to rain tonight and I have never slept in a shelter before so I am going to give it a try. this is a two story shelter and has a reputation for being one of the nicer ones on the trail.

I made it 6.9 miles today and finished an hour or so before I expected. I promised myself I would get off to a slow and easy start. 40% of people who intended to hike the entire trial come off in the first 80 miles, usually from some sort of over use injury from pushing too far to fast. I hope to get faster as I get my trail legs. Tomorrow’s goal is to make it to a shelter 9 miles away. I’m sure the rain is going to have a huge impact on the day so I will see how it goes.

P.S. I also saw a beautiful dear bounding through the woods on one of my many breathing breaks.

One response to “1st Day NoBo”

  1. You got this. So proud of you going for it! Much love to you as you figure it out!