Day 12 NoBo: Back to the Trail

Dropping me off on the side of the road.

Monday after Mother’s Day and the girls were headed back to Texas and I was going back on trail.

We spent the day doing resupply at various grocery stores and finding me a bug net hat so I could send the bug net suit I brought with me home. One of several things I was tired of carrying up and down mountains and sent home with the girls. After 10 days there were somethings I hadn’t used and somethings that weren’t worth the weight even if I had used them. They all went home with the girls.

I was on the trail by 3:30pm and did a quick 5 miles before hammock camping on the side of the trail. Im happy to say that I am getting more organized and faster about setting up my hammock. Some local hikers made a campfire at the tent site and I got to relax and enjoy it.

For someone who hadn’t hiked very far, I was tired and slept great! I love my hammock. It feels like a cozy cocoon when I’m in it.

3 responses to “Day 12 NoBo: Back to the Trail”

  1. LOVE the photo of you & the girls! So glad you could be together for Mother’s Day.