Day 7 NoBo: Pennsylvania!

Crossing the Maryland/Pennsylvania Border

So I have officially hiked across the entire state of Maryland! This afternoon I crossed the state line into Pennsylvania! Please excuse the quality of the photo. It was a hilariously executed selfie involving balancing my iPhone on an uneven rock and a timer and me running behind this sign numerous times to even get down low enough to get my head in the photo. But I was so happy to have hiked all of Maryland I just had to share!

The rest of my day was also lovely. I only hiked 5 miles after sleeping in a great hostel last night and having a homemade breakfast with pancakes (my favorite breakfast). Whataburger, Sam I Am, Scout, and I all went to Walmart together to resupply. I tried to make healthy food choices (pop tarts for breakfast aside) and added some electrolyte powder to my diet which I have never used, but many hikers have recommended. Apparently it helps prevent muscle cramps. Which so far I have avoided, but considering my unprecedented levels of exertion trying to prevent them seems logical. They taste horrible by the way, nothing like the strawberry kiwi advertised.

After a great town lunch of burgers and fries. I set off for a short 5 miles and the others went back to the hostel for another night. They are taking a zero day (zero miles hiked). While I am taking two Nero days (near to zero miles hiked) in a row. I am taking two zero days this weekend for Mother’s Day when the girls are flying up to visit me!! I am hoping to catch back up to Scout, Whataburger, and SamI am since we all seem to hike at about the same pace. They are nice people and it is good to see familiar faces at the end of the day.

I am hammock camping near some shelters in Pennsylvania. The shelters here are not as nice as the ones in Maryland and my hammock is nice and cozy. I don’t have to worry about mice running across my head (hasn’t happened to me, and I don’t want it to!).

2 responses to “Day 7 NoBo: Pennsylvania!”

  1. Keep adventuring Melissa! Hope you have the best time with A & A this weekend. 🙌🏼😎💪🏼👏🏼💙